What to Give to and a Giving Formula
Key Scripture: Mal. 3:10 NIV.
Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.
This one verse of many in the Old Testament Book of Malachi, encourages support for the house and the work of God. Paul, in Galatians 2:10 adds ‘to remember the poor’.
Malachi promotes the giving of tithes (10%) and offerings. Some New Testament believers have decided that they too would make this a goal or starting point for their giving. Robert Le Tourneau, the inventor of massive earthmoving equipment, in his book ‘Mover of Men and Mountains’ ended up giving 90% to God as the remaining 10% was still too much for him to use.
There is a formula that Kathryn and I use for our giving. It is simply Generosity over Responsibility. We wish to live as responsible believers looking after our families but also mindful of the needs of the church and society. We don’t want to live in community without doing some heavy lifting ourselves. On top of this we want to be generous and lead by the Holy Spirit to help others in need.
There’s no one ‘formula’ that is correct but, by prayer, study of the Word of God and essential discussion and agreement between yourselves as couples you could arrive at an agreed starting point for a lifetime of Christian service and the joy of giving.
Article provided by Hope Media Ltd and published in the Real Hope Devotional Sep-Oct 2023. Ps John Scott https://www.96five.com/real-