
Financial Giving

Our vision is to share what we have with others. We do this by supporting the growth of the church, our community and local and global missions work. 

Your giving of tithes and offerings helps support the growth of City Lights, and the work we are doing in our community and around the world. There are lots of ways to give financially via direct debit or credit card. Want to find out more about what the Bible says about tithing and giving? Click here.  

So far we have given away over $55,000 to support mission, community and care. You can find out more about our partners here.

You can also find out more about tax exempt giving via a trust at this link

You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.

2 Corinthians 9:11 NIV

Thank you

Thank you for your generosity! 

Please remember to stay within your financial means if giving via credit card. 

Give financially via direct deposit:

Account name:
City Lights Church Ltd
014 203
Account number:
419 255 053
116 308 983 23

Note: If you have issues with the button above try this link.

Reasons to Give

Our Response to God

Our Response to God

"God so loved the world that He gave". Our giving is first and foremost a response to God. He initiated giving and invites us to share what we have with others and build His Kingdom. Giving means we place our trust in God to provide our needs (Matt 6:33).
Resourcing our Vision

Resourcing our Vision

We are a new, growing church with a passion to share the message of Jesus and see renewal in our city. Already, we have seen many lives transformed. We need financial support to continue this and for practical things like kids resources, rent and sound equipment.
Local and Overseas Mission

Local and Overseas Mission

Our church is committed to giving to our local community and supporting local and overseas missions. We contribute to our local communities and support missionaries in Australia, Ukraine and Thailand. We also give in times of special need and for disaster relief.